The White Book
Local Policies and Rules Manual - 2024 Edition
Version 2.1
Table of ContentsI. Safety
II. Game Times, Time Limits, & Scheduling 2
III. League Age, Division Determination, & Roster Size 3
IV. Replacing Players 4
V. Single-Game Replacement Players (Player Pool) 4
VI. Waitlist 5
VII. Draft & Team Creation 5
VIII. Team Managers and Coaches Responsibilities 6
IX. Field and Park Decorum 8
X. Rose Capital East Little League Regular Season Rules 10
XI. Special Rules for T-Ball Division 12
XII. Special Rules for Coach Pitch Division 13
XIII. Make the Appropriate Play in TBALL and Coach Pitch 15
XIV. Rules for Fall Ball Season 16
XV. Tie Breakers 16
XVI. Play-Offs 17
XVII. All-Star Teams 17
I. Safety1) All games will be governed by the RCELL Safety, Weather, and Emergency Plan.
2) Dugouts should be kept in a neat and orderly manner to prevent accidental injuries to players who
may otherwise trip over bats, balls, or other equipment.
3) Smoking is only permitted in the parking lot, this includes electronic cigarettes.
4) Per the City of Tyler Code, Section 8-33, no pets are allowed within 100 feet of any field during
games or practices. No pets are allowed on any playing field of Golden Road Park at any time.
5) All accidents should be reported to the Safety Director within twenty-four (24) hours.
6) Batting helmets must always be worn in the batting cages. No bats shall be swung outside the
batting cages, soft toss areas, or fields.
7) No pickup baseball games using real bats shall occur on RCELL fields.
8) No noise makers, including walk up music.
9) Players playing the position of catcher from Minors and up must wear a cup, a throat guard on
their mask (or wear a hockey style mask), full chest protector and leg gear.
10) Closed toed shoes must be worn on the field or in cages. No Croc-type shoes are permitted.
11) All scoreboard boxes will have a walkie talkie in them for easy communication with Concession
Stand and the RCELL Board.
12) See page 10 for additional league rules and “in-game” safety information.
II. Game Times, Time Limits, & Scheduling1) Games will be scheduled in accordance with standard Little League practices.
a) T-Ball games will last for one (1) hour and begin at 5:45pm and 7pm
b) 5Pitch (Coach Pitch) games will last for one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes and begin at
5:45pm and 7:15pm
c) Minors games will last for one (1) hour and forty-five (45) minutes, or six (6) innings, and
begin at 5:45pm and 7:45pm
d) Majors games will last for one (1) hour and forty-five (45) minutes, or six (6) innings, and
begin at 5:45pm and 7:45pm
2) Time Limit
a) A new inning may not be started within the last five (5) minutes of scheduled game time.
i) Example: A 5:45pm Minors game may not start a new inning once the time has reached
7:25pm (one (1) hour and forty (40) minutes of play time).
b) The Time Limit for a game may be extended only if necessary for the game to be declared a
regulation game.
i) A regulation game consists of five (5) innings for T-Ball and 5-Pitch, and six (6) innings for
Minor and Major Divisions. If a game is called (either due to Time Limit or weather), it is
a complete and regulation game if four (4) innings have been completed for T-Ball,
5-Pitch, Minor, and Major Divisions. It is also a regulation game if the home team has
scored more runs in three and a half (3-1/2) innings than the visiting team has scored in
four (4) completed half-innings in T-Ball, 5-Pitch, Minor, and Major Leagues.
3) Rescheduling of regular season games.
a) They will be rescheduled in the order in which they were cancelled.
b) The Information Officer shall re-schedule all make-up games and all suspended games at the
earliest possible time so long as thirty-six (36) hours of notice is given to the managers of the
teams via email or text message. These slots could include any weeknight, Saturday, or Sunday afternoon.
i) This rule can be waived if both managers agree.
c) If a team has more than one game to make-up, the most logical ordering of games will occur,
this will not necessarily be in first make-up, then second order.
d) The thirty-six (36) hour rule is waived during the last forty (40) days of the season and
make-up games may be rescheduled at the Information Officer’s discretion. If a rainout or
resumed game cannot be played because of the inability of either team to place eight players
on the field before the game begins, this shall constitute grounds for a forfeit.
e) The Information Officer will attempt to reschedule games in which a team cannot field at
least eight players due to a school or religious function.
i) Managers/Coaches must notify their Division Commissioner and the Information Officer
at least two (2) days ahead of the scheduled game. Failure to give proper notice is
grounds for forfeiture of the game.
ii) Games rescheduled for school or religious functions will be scheduled on the next
available day (same as rainouts).
iii) The Manager/Coach not requesting the original reschedule may ask for another
reschedule if he/she cannot field a team of nine (9). The game may be rescheduled for
the next available day, and that game may not be moved again.
iv) The Manager/Coach requesting the original reschedule may not request to move the
rescheduled game for any reason.
4) Suspended games clarifications
a) If a game is interrupted by weather after it has reached official status, then the game will not
be resumed (even if there was time on the clock), and the final score will revert to the score
at the last completed inning.
b) Games with time remaining that are suspended due to weather prior to the completion of
four (4) innings shall be resumed where time was left off and in the situation at hand.
c) If less than one (1) inning is played before suspension, the game will be replayed in entirety.
III. League Age, Division Determination, & Roster SizePlayer ages are determined by the Little League Age Chart (found on littleleague.org).
1) RCELL Division Ages
a) Tee Ball (T-Ball) – 4-6 years old
b) 5pitch (Coach Pitch) – 7-8 years old
i) Six (6) year olds desiring to play in the 5pitch (Coach Pitch) Division must make their
request at time of registration, attend Clinic/Evaluations, and receive Board approval.
c) Minor (Kid Pitch) – 9-10 years old
d) Major (Kid Pitch) – 11-12 years old
e) Junior - 13-14 year olds
2) Playing up:
a) Players (ages 6, 8, 9, and 10) may play up one (1) Division level as long as identified spots are
available. Players league age six (6) who desire to play in 5pitch (Coach Pitch) must have
played one (1) season of T-ball.
b) These players must attended evaluations in both their “play up” and “regular age” divisions
i) Example: a six (6) year old may be drafted into 5pitch (Coach Pitch) if they try out for 5
pitch (Coach Pitch), played one season of T-ball, and there are available roster spots that
do not take teams above their targeted player count.
3) Playing Down:
a) 5pitch (Coach Pitch) players may play down one division (in T-Ball) with a doctor’s note or
board approval.
4) Roster Sizes
a) Major Division teams strive for eleven (11) players on their opening day roster and maintain
an eleven (11)-player roster for the season, dependent on coach availability.
b) Minor Division teams strive for eleven (11) player rosters, dependent on coach availability.
c) 5pitch (Coach Pitch) and T-Ball Division teams strive for twelve (12) player rosters,
dependent on coach availability.
5) Clinic/Evaluations-Spring Season Only (No Tryouts for Fall Ball)
a) All players should participate in clinic/evaluations.
b) T-Ball will not try out.
PENALTY – Any player determined by the RCELL Board to have “thrown” or falsified their tryout will
not be eligible for All Stars for that player's first eligible year.
IV. Replacing Players1) If a team permanently loses a player through injury, illness, change of address, or any other
reason, the Team Manager/Coach must notify the Division Commissioner within twenty-four (24)
2) The Division Commissioner will attempt to fill the roster spot via waitlisted players.
3) The Division Commissioner will then contact the player’s parents and get consent for the player
to be added to the league.
4) The Division Commissioner will then inform the Manager of their new player, which completes
the transfer, and the Manager may then contact the player and their parents. Players will be
eligible to play immediately after joining the team.
5) Players will not be added to a team that has less than five (5) games remaining on its schedule.
6) If a waitlisted player is not available, the replacement players will be used to fill in on a
game-by-game basis. See “Single-Game Replacement Players.”
7) Before the player transfer is made official by the Division Commissioner, the Manager (or anyone
affiliated with the team) may not, under any circumstance, contact a player or a player’s parents.
8) Anyone who circumvents this player transfer process will be deemed to have committed a
serious violation of RCELL rules. The Division Commissioner must refer all violations to the RCELL
Board for appropriate action.
V. Single-Game Replacement Players (Player Pool)1) Regulation V(c) – Single Game replacement players
a) Replacement Players will not be used for T-Ball.
b) Replacement Players will be used by teams that will likely not have 9 players at a scheduled
game because of non-season-ending injuries, scheduling conflicts, or other temporary
c) As soon as a Manager or Coach knows that a team will likely not have 9 players for a
scheduled game, the Manager or Coach must immediately request a Replacement Player by
contacting the Division Commissioner.
i) If you are short players, please text or call the Division Commissioner, don’t just send an
ii) If the request is made relatively close to game time, the request must be made via text
or phone call, and not via email.
iii) Managers and Coaches will not have the right to randomly pick and choose players from
the pool within their respective division
iv) Managers and Coaches not following the process will be referred to the RCELL Board.
d) Pool Creation - The Division Commissioner, with assistance from the Information Officer, will
create and run a pool of players that can be assigned to teams who are short players on a
rotating basis.
i) All replacement players must be a member of RCELL.
ii) To register as a replacement player, players/parents must notify their Division
Commissioner of their desire to be placed on the list.
e) When a player participates in a game on a team other than his/her own team, such player
can play under these conditions:
i) Replacement Player must play right field.
ii) Replacement Player must bat last.
iii) Replacement Player may not pitch.
iv) Replacement Player may not play catcher.
VI. Waitlist1) Players will be placed onto the Waitlist if they register after Regular Registration or after the
Divisions are deemed full, as determined by the Information Officer or the RCELL Board.
Waitlisted players will be added to a roster on an as-needed basis.
a) No up front fees will be charged for any player registering after regular registration.
b) A waitlisted player will be placed on a team in their appropriate division if there is a spot
open for a player.
c) If a waitlisted player joins the team prior to the start of games, then the player will be
responsible for paying all regular registration fees.
d) All fees need to be paid in full prior to the player joining team practice or games.
e) If a waitlisted player joins the team after the start of games (due to the departure of one of
the team’s original roster players) then the player may be eligible to pay a prorated league
fee, dependent upon RCELL Board approval. All fees must be paid in full prior to the player
joining team practice or games.
VII. Draft & Team Creation1) T-Ball Teams will be created by the Information Officer.
2) 5Pitch, Minors, Majors, and Juniors Divisions will have snake drafts
a) Each team is only allowed one Manager/Coach during the Draft.
i) The Manger/Coach present will draw out of a hat to determine draft order
ii) Team name selection will begin with the last draft number and go through to the first
draft number.
iii) Player draft order will begin with the first draft number and continue through the last
draft number
(1) Example: Team Name Selection will begin with team ten (10) and end with team one
(1). Player draft order will begin with team one (1) and end with team ten (10).
b) The last round of each draft in divisions which do not have enough players for each team to
be even will then be decided by draw where each team will select from a hat either a blank
(no draft choice required – one can be made if so desired by trading a number with someone
willing to do so who also draws a number), or must draft a player choice with a number until
all players are drafted.
c) All teams not having a player in the uncompleted round will then draw numbers from a hat
for placement of any wait listed players. The Information Officer and Division Commissioner
will be the only individuals to know the order in which wait listed players are to be placed. If
the eleventh (11th) round is the final round of the draft, then the order of picking shall be
3) “No Draft” Requests: Parents may request that their child not be drafted by a coach or manager.
a) The League must receive each request before the draft date.
c) All “No Draft” Requests must be submitted directly to the Division Commissioner or
Information Officer by the player’s guardian.
d) Each request must identify the Coach or Manager by name and must provide a specific
reason or reasons for the request.
e) All “No Draft” Requests will be reviewed by the Division Commissioner and Information
Officer, who will only honor good faith, reasonable, and legitimate requests.
f) If such a request is honored, then the Manager or Coach will not be permitted to draft that
g) If Manager or Coach of record has more than five (5) non-coaching requests, their right to
coach may be forfeited for the season. This can be brought to the RCELL Board for appeal if
the Manager or Coach deems appropriate.
4) The draft process for a team is complete once the Manager/Coach leaves the draft room.
a) No trades are permitted after the draft process is complete.
5) Manager/Coaches Option: The manager/coaches' sons or daughters must be claimed as a
“manager/coach’s option.”
a) The manager must draft their son or daughter in the fourth (4th) round and fifth (5th) round
if you have multiple children playing in the division.
6) Assistant Coach’s Option: The coach’s son or daughter must be claimed as a “coach’s option.”
a) The assistant coach’s son or daughter must be drafted in the first (1st) round.
7) Sibling Option: Any team selecting a player who has a sibling eligible as an option, must select
the other sibling with the next available consecutive draft choice.
a) If neither sibling is drafted prior to the next to last round, both must be drafted in the next to
last and last rounds.
i) Example: if a sibling pair has not been drafted by the tenth (10th) round of an eleven (11)
round draft, the pair must be drafted in the tenth (10th) and eleventh (11th) rounds.
b) “Sibling” means a child who lives as a brother or sister in the same house, including natural
brothers or sisters with either one or both parents in common, adopted brothers or sisters,
step brothers or sisters, foster brothers or sisters, or the child of a parent’s partner where the
child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same
address as that sibling. It also includes natural brothers or sisters where the child for whom
the school place is sought is not living in the same family unit as the same address as that
8) Draft Board Team: In the event RCELL needs more teams than available coaches in a certain
division, a member of the RCELL Board will draft a team. The board member will draft a team just
as if he or she was going to be the coach of that team. The board member should prioritize
drafting quality players, as well as parents who have a history of helping to coach past teams.
Once the draft is completed the board team is not permitted to trade any draft picks.
a) The board member cannot have a child or relative in the division he or she is drafting for.
b) Following the draft, the Division Commissioner will contact the team, explain the situation,
and set up the first practice. The Division Commissioner should attend the first practice.
c) Every effort will be made to have enough coaches prior to the draft and drafting a board
team is only a last resort.
9) Carpool Requests: No carpool requests are guaranteed.
a) The request must:
i) Be submitted at the same time as the original registration.
ii) Be a mutual request (i.e. Player A requests Player B, and Player B requests Player A).
b) Carpool Requests will not be honored if it appears there to be an attempt to get three (3) or
more players onto the same team (ie. Player A requests Players B and C, Player B requests
Players A and C, and Player C requests Players A and B).
10) Players not attending evaluations may be drafted at any point of the draft process.
11) Player Trade Rules
a) All Player Trades must be mutually agreed upon.
b) All Player Trades must be done at the time of the draft. No draft will be allowed to take place
after the Managers/Coaches have left the draft room.
c) Player Trades should be “age pure” or “round pure.”
i) Clarification: a Player Trade should be one (1) 10 year old player for another 10 year old
player; or a sixth (6th) round pick for a sixth (6th) round pick.
VIII. Team Managers and Coaches Responsibilities1) The Coaching Coordinator will work with the Information Officer to identify all
Managers/Coaches. The RCELL Board has the right to ask a prospective Manager/Coach to not
serve in that position.
2) The RCELL Board, in order to ensure there are enough Managers/Coaches in each Division, will
not allow a team to have an Assistant Coach until all teams have a Manager/Coach.
3) The Manager/Coach should recruit a “Team Parent” to aid in the team operation.
4) The Major Division teams will provide Buddies for Challenger games as assigned. When
performing as Buddies, each Major Division Team must be represented by no less than fifty (50)
percent of the players on their roster, in full uniform.
5) A Manager/Coach may refuse to play a player in a game because of disciplinary reasons relating
to behaviour in games or in practices. Before refusing to play a player in a game, the
Manager/Coach must notify and discuss the penalty with the Division Commissioner and the
Player’s Parents. The Player must be listed as ineligible on the line-up card and the reason must
be recorded in the Official Score Book. NOTE: If a player is penalized for any reason, then any
other player on the team shall be penalized likewise for the same infraction.
6) Regulation IV(a) NOTE 2 and Tournament Rule “Participation in Other Programs” (T-4)
a) RCELL recognizes Little League allows players to participate in multiple baseball programs
and participate in the Tournament program. Consistent with the Manager/Coach’s ability to
conduct the affairs of the team, a player who repeatedly misses practices or games for any
reason first must be referred to the Division Commissioner for investigation immediately.
i) If the Division Commissioner is unable to resolve the truancy issue, the Player and the
Parents of the Player in question will be referred to The Board (or The Board’s approval
designee) for further action, up to and including removal from league eligibility and
forfeiture of registration fees.
ii) A manager may use absences to request a game suspension of a player. At least
forty-eight hours before the suspension, the manager must provide the Division
Commissioner notice of the proposed suspension so they can validate the circumstances
for the absences and if that the suspension aligns with the treatment of other players.
The Division Commissioner must approve or deny the Manager’s request no later than
twelve (12) hours prior to the start of the game or the suspension is allowed.
7) All Managers/Coaches/Volunteers must submit an online background check application in a
manner directed by RCELL.
8) At the immediate conclusion of every game, both Managers will sign the official scorebook,
which will verify the final score and pitch counts.
Website Updates (Pitch Counts/Scores)9) Score will not be kept for T-Ball. An official Scorebook will be kept to ensure run rule, batting
order, and outs are kept.
10) Pitch Counts/Scores will be kept using the GameChanger App.
11) The Information Officer will input Scores for 5Pitch, Minors, and Majors within twelve (12) hours
of the completion of the game.
12) The Information Officer will input Pitch Counts for Minors and Majors within twelve (12) hours of
the completion of the game.
Practice Limitations13) Pre-season practice can begin the weekend after drafts are completed.
14) Each team will receive a copy of the Practice Schedule from the Division Commissioner with
assigned practice times.
15) Juniors, Majors, and Minors may have unlimited team functions (i.e. practices, batting cage sessions,
practice games, games, etc.) per week. Any function outside of the assigned time must be shared
with the Division Commissioner and other Managers/Coaches in the Division.
16) 5Pitch (Coach Pitch) and T-Ball
a) May have no more than three (3) mandatory and one (1) optional team function(s) (i.e.
practices, batting cage sessions, practice games, games, etc.) per week.
b) No team function should exceed two (2) hours.
Pre-/Post-Game ResponsibilitiesHome Team:Dugout - First Base Side
Scoreboard/Scorebook - Official Scorekeeper (Game Changer); Pitch count keeper (Game Changer)
Last Game of the Day - Return Scoreboard Box to Concession Stand
Visiting Team:
Dugout - Third Base Side
Scoreboard/Scorebook - Scoreboard Operator; Pitch Count Cross Check
First Game of the Day - Pick up Scoreboard Box from Concession Stand
17) Prior to games, team warm-up activities will be conducted in the outfield grass.
18) On game days
a) Visiting Team may take in-field practice for five (5) minutes beginning ten (10) minutes
before the game starts.
b) Home Team may take in-field practice for five (5) minutes beginning five (5) minutes before
the game starts.
19) If the fields need work due to rain earlier in the day, the fields will be closed until they are ready
to be played on, pending approval by a member of the RCELL Board.
20)Pitch Counts should be kept by parents on both teams and a Pitch Count Sheet will be signed by
a Manager/Coach of both teams
21) Facility Upkeep: Each team will be responsible for cleaning their dugout and providing volunteers
to work in the Concession Stand on an assigned day.
a) For 5Pitch, Minors, Majors, and Juniors teams who fail to work their assigned Concession Stand duty,
they will be assessed a loss in the standings.
IX. Field and Park Decorum1) Any member of RCELL who violates Field and Park Decorum rules (listed here and on signs
posted around the ballpark), which also covers social media post(s), will be subject to discipline
by the Board of Directors or its designee. When a violation of RCELL’s Field & Decorum rules
occurs, the Board authorizes Directors at the park to act immediately in the best interest of the
reputation of RCELL.
2) In providing the safest and most positive experience at the park:
a) RCELL Directors who witness violations of the Field and Park Decorum rules, have the
authority to take appropriate action as deemed necessary for the safety and best interest of
RCELL, including politely asking the offender to leave the grounds of Golden Road Park.
b) RCELL Directors who receive a report about a violation of the Field and Decorum rules, but
who do not witness the incident, have the authority to take appropriate action as deemed
necessary for the safety and best interest of RCELL, including politely asking the offender to
leave the grounds of Golden Road Park.
c) Whenever an incident is reported or witnessed, RCELL Directors should document the
incident and any actions taken by majority vote of the Board.
d) Upon receiving documentation of an incident, the RCELL Board will research and respond to
the complaint within 3 days. The RCELL Board may recommend additional punishment they
deem appropriate. If suspension is recommended, the offending party shall not be at any
RCELL functions until the suspension is completed by majority vote of the Board.
Umpire Ejections1) An Umpire in any Division may ask a Manager/Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Parent, or Fan to
leave the game for the following:
a) Heckling of Players, other Managers/Coaches, other Assistant Coaches, Umpires, RCELL
Board Members, or League Volunteers.
b) Use of inappropriate language or hand gestures
c) Arguing with Umpires, other Managers/Coaches, or other Assistant Coaches
d) Any other language or action deemed inappropriate for a Little League setting such as
umpire baiting, sign stealing, or inciting or making a travesty of the game.
2) The Ejected Person should leave the game area immediately.
a) A member of the RCELL Board should be notified as soon as possible when an individual is
b) If the Ejected Person is a parent/guardian of a player, they may return to the game area in
order to get their player
3) If the same person is ejected more than once, they may be asked by a member of the RCELL
Board to not return for the remainder of the season based on a Board majority vote. Serious
infractions involving the presence of law enforcement, physical assault, or other criminal
behaviors may result in a season long suspension based a Board majority vote.
4) If the same person is ejected two (2) or more times, they and their player may be subject to not
being allowed to return for the remainder of the season.
a) In this case, refer to “IV. Replacing Players” or “V. Single-Game Replacement Players.”
Rose Capital East Little League Regular Season RulesRCELL Ground Rules and OptionsNO local rule may supersede or replace any Little League Baseball (LLB) rule. If
there is a conflict between a local rule and a LLB rule, the LLB rule will take
precedence. Local rules serve to enhance play within the limits of LLB based on
league preferences and decisions.
1) Continuous Batting order has been adopted for all divisions of play at RCELL.
a) A player arriving late to a game may not enter the game once their team’s leadoff batter has
completed their second plate appearance. If the game is suspended, the player arriving late
to the original scheduled game may enter the game per Rule 4.01(d).
b) Any player who the Manager declares as ineligible for the game due to illness, injury, or
disciplinary reasons may not enter the current game unless the game becomes suspended
and is resumed later per Rule 4.01(d).
2) Use of Ineligible Pitcher/Catcher
a) If it is determined that a team used an ineligible pitcher or catcher, then the Offending Team
Manager/Coach may be subject to suspension for up to the next two (2) games.
b) Managers/Coaches will be subject to discipline by the RCELL Board whether the violation was
protested or discovered later. The Board will determine if the game is to be forfeited or
other outcomes as appropriate to the situation.
3) Little League Rule 1.01 – Number of players to start and finish a game is 8 – Local option
a) If a game is started with eight (8) players, the ninth (9th) position in the batting line-up will be
called an out every time it comes up in the line-up.
b) This does not apply if the game is started with nine (9) players and a team loses a player to
injury. In that case the spot in the line-up is skipped and not an out each time.
c) This rule can be waived if the Manager/Coach of each team agrees and the Umpire is
notified of this agreement prior to the start of the game
4) Protests
a) No protest will last more than five (5) minutes.
b) Each protest will be ruled and settled on the field if at all possible.
i) Protest must be made at the time of the infraction and play must not have proceeded.
ii) The Umpire and Managers/Coaches will attempt to resolve the protest to mutual
agreement. If additional advice is needed, the Umpire may ask the help of the President
of RCELL, the Division Commissioner, the Umpire Coordinator, or any other authorized
RCELL Board Member.
iii) Protests must be registered in accordance with the official Little League Rules.
iv) In no event may a protest be entered after the completion of a game
v) Unresolved protests will be submitted to the League President, in writing, within
twenty-four (24) hours of the incident and subsequently, the President will submit the
protest to the Protest Committee or District 10 administrator for adjudication.
5) Playing Time
a) Each player must play at least six (6) defensive outs, or two (2) defensive innings.
b) Each player must be allowed to bat at least one (1) time.
6) Player Assistance
a) No coach may physically assist any base runner on the field.
b) Doing so will constitute interference and that player will be called out.
7) Games can end in a tie.
a) Extra innings can be played if there is time remaining on the clock (N/A to T-Ball).
b) There is no limit to the number of innings that can be played while time remains on the
c) A tie game will count as one-half (½) game won and one-half (½) game lost. If the tie game
has end of season implications, RCELL Board can vote to resume the game to break the tie.
8) Continuation Rule: If an inning is started, all attempts should be made to complete it. The Board
Team on Duty has discretion to end an inning due to curfew. Depending upon the game situation,
the final inning may have to be rescheduled.
9) Slash Bunting is prohibited in all divisions. Slash Bunting (also known as Fake Bunt or Slug
Bunting) is defined as the act of showing bunt and then swinging or slashing at the pitch.
a) A batter who slash bunts (or attempts to slash bunt) is out, whether or not contact is made.
b) Runners may not advance and are returned to the base occupied when the slash bunt
10) Slide Rule
a) A runner is out if they do not slide feet first at home plate while an attempt to get them out
is being made. At all other bases, the standard Little League slide rule is in effect.
11) Umpires
a) T-ball
i) There should be at least one (1) Umpire.
b) 5-Pitch, Minors, Majors, and Juniors
i) There should be one (1) Home Plate Umpire and one (1) Field Umpire.
(1) If two (2) Umpires are unavailable, a RCELL Board Member may be asked to serve as
the Field Umpire.
XI. Special Rules for T-Ball Division1) Scorekeeper
a) The home team must furnish an official scorekeeper
2) Game Play
a) All teams will observe a six (6) run rule per inning
b) The half-inning will be complete when the offensive team has scored six (6) runs or the
defensive team records three (3) outs, whichever comes first.
3) Batting
a) The Manger/Coach may not place or adjust their batter in the batter’s box. They may ask the
Umpire for help lining up the batter or adjust the tee up or down.
b) The batter is allowed a total of three (3) swings. The batter is allowed another swing if the
third (3rd) swing results in a foul ball.
i) “Measuring up” does not constitute a swing, even if the ball is knocked off the tee.
4) When a ball is hit into the infield, it will be considered a fair ball only if it travels beyond the
bunting circle.
a) Balls that come to a stop within the ten (10)-foot bunting circle will be considered foul balls.
5) All infielders must stay on the infield dirt until the batter has hit the ball.
6) All outfielders must stay in the outfield grass until the ball is hit.
a) The pitcher must have both feet inside the pitcher’s circle until the ball is hit.
i) Penalty: If a violation of this rule occurs, the manager on offense can; (1) Accept the play
As-Is or (2) Request a replay (In the event of a replay, the prior hit will not count and
runners will return to their prior bases).
7) There will be no catcher.
8) Each team may play up to ten (10) players.
a) Five (5) infield players (the pitcher is one of the 5)
b) Five (5) outfield players
i) All five (5) outfield players must be in the outfield grass. They may not be used as sixth
(6th) infielder.
9) The Umpire will call “time” when:
a) A defensive player has control of the ball and has stopped the progress of the lead runner.
b) When the ball has been thrown to, and is in control of, the pitcher and the pitcher has
returned to the pitcher’s circle.
i) “Time” will not be called if the pitcher has control of the ball, but is running through the
circle to attempt to make a play
c) When the Umpire calls “time”
i) Any runner who has not completely passed the halfway mark must return to the
previous base.
ii) Any runner who has completely passed the halfway mark will be awarded the next base.
10) Overthrow Rule: The runner(s) will be permitted to advance at their own risk on the first
overthrow, from the outfield or infield, but not more than one (1) additional base. A second
overthrow is irrelevant and does not allow for further additional bases (known as a compound
overthrow). If a runner is tagged out while advancing in any way, they are out. An overthrow is
defined as a ball that goes past the fielder at any base the thrower intends to throw, regardless
of a misplay by the baseman or the thrower. The next base is set when the throw is made, based
on where the runners are going at that time. If a runner goes past the furthest base allowed and
is not tagged out, they will be allowed to return to the furthest base they achieved legally.
a) Example 1: If the shortstop overthrows the first baseman, the batter can advance to second
at their own risk.
b) Example 2: If more than one (1) runner is on base, the batter and the other runners can at
most advance to the base they are in progress of going to and the one after.
c) Example 3: If a runner is not advancing at the time of an overthrow, at most they can gain
the next base at their own risk.
11) A team may start an inning with any defensive alignment of their choice.
a) Teams are allowed to move players as needed during an inning.
b) The team must call time and notify the umpire when a move occurs during an inning.
c) If a substitution must be made for issues such as injury, attendance, etc., then the
Manager/Coach may adjust the defensive alignment while making that substitution.
12) Must use the game ball provided by RCELL.
XII. Special Rules for Coach Pitch Division1) Scorekeeper
a. The home team must furnish an official scorekeeper to run GameChanger
2) Game Play
a. All teams will observe a five (5) run rule per inning
b. The half-inning will be complete when the offensive team has scored six (6) runs or
the defensive team records three (3) outs, whichever comes first.
3) Four (4) coaches are allowed in the dugout for Coach Pitch games.
4) The Coach-Pitcher must be an approved volunteer and will throw from within the pitcher’s
circle in an overhand motion from a standing position, or on one knee.
5) The Coach-Pitcher may be substituted at any time during a game with the notification and
approval of the Umpire.
6) The Coach-Pitcher must give all fielders the opportunity to play the ball by making every
effort to stay out of their way. If a batted ball hits the Coach-Pitcher before being touched by
a defensive player, the ball is dead, it is considered a no pitch, and the batter resumes the
7) If the Coach-Pitcher (in the Umpire’s judgment) intentionally touches a legally batted ball or
interferes with any defensive play (including blocking the view of any defensive player), then
interference will be called, and the batter will be out. If the coach-pitcher is preventing
himself from injury then it will be considered a no pitch. The Umpire will return all other
runners to the last base that was legally touched at the time of interference.
a. Penalty: The first violation of this rule will be a warning. The second violation will
result in an ejection of the Coach-Pitcher.
8) Three (3) swinging strikes or five (5) pitches will constitute an out. A batter will continue to
receive pitches when fouling off the third (3rd) strike or final pitch.
9) Final Pitch (5th pitch): Any player who does not swing at or attempt to hit the fifth (5th) /
final pitch AND is “hit” with the fifth (5th) / final pitch will get another pitch / bat attempt.
a. If the 5th pitch is fouled off the batter will get 1 additional final pitch. Regardless of
the outcome this will be the final pitch of the at bat.
b. There are no walks. A batter shall not become a base runner unless he or she hits the
ball into fair territory, or the Umpire calls catcher’s interference. If a pitched ball hits
a batter, the ball is dead, the pitch will count, and the batter will finish his or her turn
at bat.
c. No bunting: This is an Umpire judgment call. If a violation of this rule occurs, the
ball/play will be declared dead; (1) The batter will be called back to the plate, (2) The
pitch will count, and (3) No runners will advance.
d. No stealing is allowed.
e. The defense is allowed ten (10) position players per inning (four (4) outfielders only).
10) The Player-Pitcher must stand inside the pitching circle.
a. The Player-Pitcher can stand to either side of the Coach-Pitcher. He/She can be to
the left, or the right of the Coach Pitcher but not in front of the Coach-Pitcher.
b. The Player-Pitcher will remain with one (1) foot in the pitcher’s circle until the ball
has been hit or received by the Catcher.
c. Penalty: If the Player-Pitcher violates this rule, the Manager on offense can: (1)
Accept the play As-Is or (2) Request a replay (In the event of a replay, the prior pitch
will not count and runners will return to their prior bases).
11) All infielders must stay on the infield dirt until the batter has hit the ball. All outfielders must
stay in the outfield grass until the ball is hit.
a. Penalty: If a violation of this rule occurs, the Manager on offense can: (1) Accept the
play As-Is or (2) Request a replay (In the event of a replay, the prior pitch will not
count and runners will return to their prior bases).
12) The Umpire will call “time” when:
a. A defensive player has control of the ball and has stopped the progress of the lead
b. When the ball has been thrown to, and is in control of, the pitcher and the pitcher
has returned to the pitcher’s circle.
i. “Time” will not be called if the pitcher has control of the ball, but is running
through the circle to attempt to make a play
c. When the Umpire calls “time”
i. Any runner who has not completely passed the halfway mark must return to
the previous base.
ii. Any runner who has completely passed the halfway mark will be awarded
the next base.
13) There is no infield fly rule.
14) Overthrow Rule: The runner(s) will be permitted to advance at their own risk on the first
overthrow, from the outfield or infield, but not more than one (1) additional base. A second
overthrow is irrelevant and does not allow for further additional bases (known as a
compound overthrow). If a runner is tagged out while advancing in any way, they are out. An
overthrow is defined as a ball that goes past the fielder at any base the thrower intends to
throw, regardless of a misplay by the baseman or the thrower. The next base is set when the
throw is made, based on where the runners are going at that time. If a runner goes past the
furthest base allowed and is not tagged out, they will be allowed to return to the furthest
base they achieved legally.
a. Example 1: If the shortstop overthrows the first baseman, the batter can advance to
second at their own risk.
b. Example 2: If more than one (1) runner is on base, the batter and the other runners
can at most advance to the base they are in progress of going to and the one after.
c. Example 3: If a runner is not advancing at the time of an overthrow, at most they can
gain the next base at their own risk.
15) A team may start an inning with any defensive alignment of their choice.
a. Teams are allowed to move players as needed during an inning.
b. The team must call time and notify the umpire when a move occurs during an inning.
c. If a substitution must be made for issues such as injury, attendance, etc., then the
Manager/Coach may adjust the defensive alignment while making that substitution.
16) Must use the game ball provided by RCELL.
XIII. TB & CP Defensive Rules: Making A Proper Baseball Play1) In the T-ball and Coach pitch divisions, when the ball is put into play, the initial fielder shall
make the appropriate baseball play by throwing to the appropriate fielder covering the base
to which the runners are advancing. If the player fielding the ball is a fielder that would
normally cover the base that the runner is advancing to then tagging the base or the runner
would be deemed appropriate and an out would be called. If it is not the appropriate
player/play then the runner would be called safe.
2) Clarification:
a. Bases that should be tagged:
i. 1st baseman can tag first base
ii. 2nd baseman and SS can tag second base
iii. 3rd baseman can tag 3rd base
iv. Homeplate can be tagged by the pitcher or catcher
3) Examples:
a. Bases empty, ball hit to the pitcher – pitcher must throw the ball to first. If the
pitcher runs to first or runs and tags the runner prior to first base the runner would
be safe.
b. Runner on 1st and 2nd, ball hit to the SS – SS can tag the runner advancing to third
or touch 2nd or throw to first.
c. Runner on 1st and 2nd, ball hit to the Pitcher – pitcher must throw to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd
d. Ball hit to the outfield and the player that is in the pitcher position runs to field the
ball in the outfield and runs to tag runners trying to advance to different bases. The
runners would be safe at the appropriate base they were going to since that is not
the correct baseball play being made.
e. If the infielder covering a base inappropriately crashes (ex. 1st base charging in for a
ball hit directly to the pitcher) to try and circumvent this rule by making it favorable
for the pitcher to run and make the play. That is not teaching the fielders the proper
way to play and the runner would be safe.
4) This rule applies to the first play being made after the ball was put into play. Subsequent
plays/outs may be made by any players. If the play is made by a fielder that is not the
appropriate baseball play then the runner will be ruled safe.
5) Exceptions can be made if in the Umpires judgement the appropriate play was made even if
it was by an “incorrect” player.
a. Example, ball hit between 1st and 2nd, first baseman is pulled away from the bag in
an attempt to field the ball, the pitcher ends up with the ball and runs to tag first and
beats the batter-runner. Not every example can be covered by this rule but the spirit
of the rule is to teach the kids at a young age to make the appropriate baseball play
and to throw/catch the ball.
XIV. Rules for Fall Ball SeasonPractices1. Teams will be given practice times during the week.
a. Minimum one weeknight, with a potential second slot on the weekend
i. If additional practices are desired a team may utilize other facilities.
b. Teams (All divisions) can have a max of 3 practices/events per week
Game Play-Regular Fall Season
1. All Regular Spring Season rules apply unless specified below.
2. Scores will be kept during games.
Game Time LimitsTime Limits for No New Inning to Start
T-Ball 1:00
Coach Pitch 1:15
Minor/Major/ 1:30
Juniors 1:30
All games have a drop dead time that is ten (10) minutes later
At the drop dead time – we will finish the batter that is currently at the plate and then call the game.
Runs Per Inning:
T-Ball & Coach Pitch: 5 Runs per Inning
Minor Division: 5 Runs per Inning
Major and Juniors Division: Open
XV. Tie Breakers
1. Tie Breakers will be determined as follows:
a. Head to head record
i. If three (3) or more teams are tied with identical records, the head to head
results of the teams involved are applied
1. Example: Teams A, B, and C are tied with identical records. Each
team played the other two teams involved in the tie twice, with
Team A winning three (3) games and losing one (1) game; Team B
winning two (2) games and losing two (2) games; Team C winning
one (1) game and losing three (3) games. Team A advances.
ii. Each time a tie is broken to advance a team, leaving a tie between two (2) or
more teams, the situation shall revert back to head to head between the
remaining teams.
b. Runs allowed
c. Runs scored
d. Runs allowed total for season
e. Coin Toss
2. After a tie is broken and a team advances using methods (a) through (e) above, the breaking
of any other ties shall revert back to method (a) above and continue through methods (a)
through (e) until all ties are broken.
XVI. Play-Offs1. All Play-Off Games will take place at the end of the regular season.
2. For 5Pitch (Coach Pitch), Minors, and Majors
a. The top four (4) teams will be placed into a Play-Off Bracket
b. First Round Games will be set as follows:
i. Game 1: Team 3 (Away) vs. Team 2 (Home)
ii. Game 2: Team 4 (Away) vs. Team 1 (Home)
c. Championship Round Game will be set as follows:
i. Winner of Game 1 (Away) vs. Winner of Game 2 (Home)
d. The rules for First Round and Championship Round Games will be the same as
regular season games.
i. Note: The Championship Round Game will have no time limit.
ii. 5 Pitch and minors will both play a 5 inning game. Majors will play a 6 inning
3. In the event the end of the regular season must be extended due to rescheduled games, the
top two (2) teams will play in a Championship Game
XVII. All Stars5Pitch (Coach Pitch) All-Stars
1. First right of refusal goes to the Manager/Coach who wins End of Season Play-Offs, as
approved by the RCELL Board.
a. In case of Manger/Coach declining, the Division Commissioner will work with RCELL
Board to select another Manager/Coach.
2. Managers/Coaches of each team will be invited to recommend the top two (2) or three (3)
players from their team (Recommended Players).
3. A list of the Recommended Players will be compiled and each Manger/Coach and one (1)
Assistant Coach will vote.
4. Rosters:
a. The All Star roster will consist of ten (10) to thirteen (13) players
i. The All-Star Manager/Coach may elect to any roster size, as long as it is
between these numbers
b. The top ten (10) vote receiving Recommended Players will be notified by the All-Star
Manager/Coach of their invite to be on the team.
i. In the event of a player’s parent/guardian declining the invitation, the
Manager/Coach will notify the Division Commissioner who will then share
contact information for the next Recommended Player on the list.
c. Open roster positions
i. The remaining roster positions are reserved for Coach Pick Players
ii. A Coach Pick Player must be on the list of Recommended Players for that
RCELL All-Star Eligibility1. To be eligible for All-Star consideration, a player must have played in eight (8) regular season
games, excluding justifiable absences caused by injury, illness, or school function.
RCELL All-Star Selection Step 1: All-Star Manager Selection1. The All-Star Manager will be selected by a vote of the RCELL Board in a special meeting called
for that purpose. The All-Star Manager will be selected from the eligible managers in their
respective divisions.
2. The 1st place team would be recognized as the preferential Manager/Coach.
a. If 1st place team Manager/Coach declined, the Division Commissioner will work with
the RCELL Board to select another Manager/Coach.
3. Managers can be ruled ineligible because of poor standing within RCELL; including, but not
limited to: unmet financial obligations, recurring, poor displays of sportsmanship, etc.
4. Once approved, the All-Star Manager may select up to two (2) eligible coaches of record that
must also be in good standing with RCELL to assist as All-Star Coaches.
a. The selected coaches must be approved by the full Board of Directors. These
Coaches must be regular season Manager/Coach of record.
5. The 12U & 11U All-Star Managers will be chosen from the Major Division; the 10U All-Star
Manager will be chosen from the Minor Division.
RCELL All-Star Selection Step 2: Team Selection1. Near the end of the regular season, the Division Commissioners and Information Officer will
compile a listing of all All-Star Eligible players in the Minors and Majors divisions and break it
out by team (Division Player Listing).
2. Voting
a. The Manager/Coach, one (1) Assistant Coach, and all players from each team will
come into the RCELL Boardroom and be given the Division-Player List and an official
All-Star Ballot.
b. Player votes will count as one (1) vote.
c. Manager/Coach and Assistant Coach votes will count as three (3) votes.
d. All Ballots will be collected and results tabulated (see Step 3: Tabulating Results)
RCELL All-Star Selection Step 3: Tabulating Results1. After the All-Star ballots have been submitted, the Division Commissioner and Information
Officer will tabulate the ballots and create a rank-ordered list, with the point totals, of the
top twenty (20) players, including ties.
2. The rank-ordered list, with points total, will be given to the All-Star Manager as soon as that
manager is approved by the RCELL Board.
3. Rosters:
a. The All Star roster will consist of a minimum of twelve (12) or maximum of fourteen
(14) rostered players.
b. The top ten (10) vote receiving Recommended Players will be notified by the All-Star
Manager/Coach of their invite to be on the team.
i. In the event of a player’s parent/guardian declining the invitation, the
Manager/Coach will notify the Division Commissioner who will then share
contact information for the next Recommended Player on the list.
c. Open roster positions
i. The remaining roster positions are reserved for Coach Pick Players
ii. A Coach Pick Player must be on the list of Recommended Players for that
d. Under no circumstances will the Final Rosters be made public before the date
specified by Little League.